Category: Community Development

Urban Happiness Index Revisited

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
A couple of weeks ago I floated some ideas on a national Urban Happiness Index. Similar to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index and Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index, which is being contemplated by China, an Urban Happiness Index would tie satisfaction and wellbeing to the form of the built environment. Perhaps an... Continue Reading

Ready for the Geezer Glut? Then think beyond “aging in place”

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Among the Big Issues awaiting communities after we shake off the post-recession blues is what to do about demography. Particularly the part about America’s aging population. The first-borns among the 76-million-strong Baby Boomer generation reached 65 in 2011. And over the next three decades, the geezer slice of the... Continue Reading

Seven Keys to Stronger Community

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
In sustainability’s triple bottom line of profits, planet and people, it’s people that tend to get the shaft. There’s an entire industry surrounding environmental advocacy and we can always count on business interests to fight for stable economies, but what about the social resilience of our communities? Personally,... Continue Reading
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