Tag: Porchfest

Porchfest: Your Guide to a DIY Community-Building Good Time

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Five or so years ago, Better Cities and Towns publisher Rob Steuteville told me about Porchfest, a yearly community event taking root in his Ithaca, New York, neighborhood. The idea is simple: For one afternoon, porches throughout the community become makeshift stages, yards become venues, and people from within and beyond... Continue Reading

Community Ties in the Era of Isolation

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Looking back over my years of writing for Placeshakers, I notice two themes that keep surfacing: First, we’re better off taking an active role in shaping the forces of community change than we are pretending that immunity to change is a legitimate or viable option; and second, connected communities are far better positioned... Continue Reading

Seven Keys to Stronger Community

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
In sustainability’s triple bottom line of profits, planet and people, it’s people that tend to get the shaft. There’s an entire industry surrounding environmental advocacy and we can always count on business interests to fight for stable economies, but what about the social resilience of our communities? Personally,... Continue Reading