Tag: smart growth

How to Make Smart Growth More Lovable and Sustainable

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
While on my way to a dental appointment last week -- not my favorite activity, truth be told -- I had the distinct pleasure of walking through Georgetown, Washington's oldest neighborhood and one of its most lovely. As I ambled through the historic, tree-lined streets, I was reminded of how our older neighborhoods so often... Continue Reading

Letting Love Rule: All urban density is not created equal

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Last week we resurrected a look at the preservation movement — asking if, rather than strict adherence to ideology, love of place could ultimately rule the day — so that, this week, we could put a spotlight on Kaid Benfield, the latest addition to the PlaceMakers team, and his thoughts on the issue's flip-side. In... Continue Reading

Confessions of a Former Sprawl Addict: Speed humps on the road to recovery

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Hi. I'm Hazel and I was a Sprawlaholic. If you've been reading awhile you may recall that, with the loving help of my friends and family, I went cold turkey, dumping life in a Florida subdivision for the intense urban charms of downtown Winnipeg. It was a life-changing move with no regrets. Yet, as good as it's been,... Continue Reading

New Game, New Rules? Guessing at the future of American housing

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
If it did nothing else, the last decade should have disciplined some of our enthusiasm for betting the house, literally, on long-term trends deduced from short-term experiences. Remember that little hiccup in the world economy when pretty much everybody bought into assumptions about ever-rising home values? So where... Continue Reading

The End is Near, Part II: Leveraging imminent doom as ‘Grand Strategy’

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is maybe one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for moments. But I’m spinning it upside all the way. In one previous post, I griped about planning’s synaptic delay dilemma. When it comes to the really big issues of our time, the time lapse between doing stupid stuff and suffering the consequences is too great... Continue Reading

Seven Placemaking Wishes for 2013

PlaceMakers Twitter Instagram Facebook
With the dawning of 2013, the interwebs are awash in lists detailing exactly what to watch out for in the coming year and, in a way, this is one more of those. But not exactly. Though firmly rooted in placemaking trends that have gained notable traction over the past year, this list contains not so much what we’re... Continue Reading

Finally Thinkin’ Small: But can we build on what we’ve learned?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
As soon as the destructive path of Hurricane Sandy became evident, I got emails and calls from colleagues who, like me, worked in disaster recovery situations on the Gulf Coast. When the clean-up gets underway, could this be an opportunity for the Eastern Seaboard states to apply some of the rebuilding lessons of the Gulf... Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 01: Quantity over quality

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
Today we begin a PlaceShakers experiment. Through a series of periodic posts, Nathan Norris will explore how cities hinder their own placemaking efforts, wasting time and money by investing in tools, policies and programs that deliver lousy results. In the process, we’ll be looking to you to help flesh out the content... Continue Reading

Seven Keys to Stronger Community

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
In sustainability’s triple bottom line of profits, planet and people, it’s people that tend to get the shaft. There’s an entire industry surrounding environmental advocacy and we can always count on business interests to fight for stable economies, but what about the social resilience of our communities? Personally,... Continue Reading

YIMSEO: Yes In My Sphere of Emotional Ownership

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Last year about this time I wrote on the subject of NIMBYs and laid out a challenge to the NIMBY nation. It’s time to stop talking about what you don’t want, I said, and start talking about what you do want. In short, it’s time to develop the criteria under which a Not-In-My-Back-Yarder will say yes. And to that... Continue Reading
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