Tag: Arthur C. Nelson

The Shifting Boomer Bulge: Under-appreciated impacts could make the current housing crisis worse

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is the second part of a two-part conversation with Arthur C. (Christian “Chris”) Nelson, professor emeritus of urban planning and real estate development at the University of Arizona, as well as presidential professor emeritus of city and metropolitan planning at the University of Utah. Part One is available here. Continue Reading

The Shifting Boomer Bulge: More bad news for America’s housing crisis?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is the first part of a two-part conversation with Arthur C. (Christian “Chris”) Nelson, professor emeritus of urban planning and real estate development at the University of Arizona, as well as presidential professor emeritus of city and metropolitan planning at the University of Utah. Part Two is available here. Continue Reading

Housing Policy Repair for a New Era: Let’s review

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Since the data keep rolling in, confirming changes we should have anticipated even before the Great Recession, maybe it’s time to revisit the tasks ahead for communities if they’re to avoid flunking the tests of livability and prosperity in the 21st century. Consider: Though a narrow sliver of the population... Continue Reading

New Game, New Rules? Guessing at the future of American housing

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
If it did nothing else, the last decade should have disciplined some of our enthusiasm for betting the house, literally, on long-term trends deduced from short-term experiences. Remember that little hiccup in the world economy when pretty much everybody bought into assumptions about ever-rising home values? So where... Continue Reading

Ready for the Geezer Glut? Then think beyond “aging in place”

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Among the Big Issues awaiting communities after we shake off the post-recession blues is what to do about demography. Particularly the part about America’s aging population. The first-borns among the 76-million-strong Baby Boomer generation reached 65 in 2011. And over the next three decades, the geezer slice of the... Continue Reading