Tag: Charles Montgomery

Nature’s Healing Ways

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
The other day while walking my dog, I was trying to count the ways nature makes us healthier, as a means of distracting myself from the fact that the temperature was -40, with wind chill. That’s the point where Celsius and Fahrenheit converge. However, since this is my 9th winter in my beloved Winnipeg – one of the... Continue Reading

PlaceMakers’ Intrepid Inside-Baseball Highlight Reel from CNU23

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Having just wrapped up what may have been our favorite CNU ever, in Dallas on April 29 through May 2, we want to share some of the ideas that resonated the most with us. The topics below are snippets of great insights from many voices, including the likes of Andrés Duany, Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, Doug Farr, and... Continue Reading

Happy City Highlights

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Ever had one of those doctor’s visits in which your physician questions you in great detail about your family medical history? Trying to tease out the nebulous connections within your DNA to explain certain strengths, weaknesses, and anomalies. And then he uses that connecting thread to help solve something that’s... Continue Reading

Urban Happiness Index Revisited

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
A couple of weeks ago I floated some ideas on a national Urban Happiness Index. Similar to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index and Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index, which is being contemplated by China, an Urban Happiness Index would tie satisfaction and wellbeing to the form of the built environment. Perhaps an... Continue Reading