Tag: healthy communities

After the Plague: Go Big or Go Backwards?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is the first of several posts planned for the next few weeks on lessons we’re learning from the pandemic and how local and regional governments might respond – not only to the crisis itself, but also to weaknesses in policies and processes COVID-19 exposed. Let’s start with an understatement: Community development... Continue Reading

Confessions of a Former Sprawl Addict: Speed humps on the road to recovery

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Hi. I'm Hazel and I was a Sprawlaholic. If you've been reading awhile you may recall that, with the loving help of my friends and family, I went cold turkey, dumping life in a Florida subdivision for the intense urban charms of downtown Winnipeg. It was a life-changing move with no regrets. Yet, as good as it's been,... Continue Reading

Confessions of a Former Sprawl Addict

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Hi, my name is Hazel, and I'm an addict. For the last 25 years, I've been addicted to a string of takers. Time-draining, money-grubbing, fat-building, resource-depleting, toxic machines. For the last 18 months, I've been clean. Ever since our move to Canada. And this last weekend, I realized I may be cured. (more…) Continue Reading

Can Cities Help You Forget Your Troubles? C’mon, Get Happy!

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In most physical and policy planning, triple bottom line benchmarks focus on environment and economy, and tend to skim over the subject of society. That's probably because urban design impacts are much easier to measure with respect to profit and planet than they are with respect to people. Any good MBA... Continue Reading

“You’re terminated, hippie.” — Where does that leave local sustainability?

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Federal government to sustainability efforts: You're terminated. In a blockbuster-style showdown, the House Appropriations Committee started a furor this month as they proposed the elimination of HUD, USDOT and EPA sustainability programs in 2011-12, as well as suggesting the rescinding of dollars already awarded by... Continue Reading

Unplug! Accommodating Our Need to Escape Each Other

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Sense of community. It’s been a rallying cry of New Urbanists since the beginning and for good reason. For years leading up to the birth of the neo-traditionalists, it didn’t take much effort to realize that our surroundings had changed—a lot—and not for the better. Our neighborhoods—subdivisions, really—were... Continue Reading

Insane, Trains and Automobiles

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
The holiday season is our culture's designated time for wishes of good cheer and contemplative New Years Resolutions for a better tomorrow. Or so I thought. Then I read this stark statement: “Scott Walker, governor-elect of Wisconsin, who vowed to stop the train in a campaign commercial, said that the train from Milwaukee... Continue Reading

A Municipal Planner’s Call to Arms (and Legs, Hearts and Lungs)

Guest Contributor
Guest Contributor
The obesity epidemic isn’t really “news” anymore (thank you, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution) yet when I question my friends who work outside the fields of design and planning on why Americans are so fat, they tie everything back to poor food choices. But what about exercise? They reply that if you want to exercise,... Continue Reading

Retail Redemption: Skivvies Uncovered, then Promptly Covered

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
A couple months ago I rambled on here about my inability to purchase a particularly critical item of men’s apparel during an extended tour of new urban projects throughout the southeast. Modesty was not my problem. Rather, despite healthy commercial activity most everywhere I went, I could find no walkable stores catering... Continue Reading

Zoning as Spiritual Practice: From me to we to Thee

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Get right with God. Fix your zoning. That’s not something you hear regularly from the pulpit, maybe. But it’s gospel nonetheless. Here’s why: If there’s one common thread woven through the world’s most enduring religions, it’s the call to connectivity: Self to others to everything. Not everyone gives... Continue Reading
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