Category: Community Development
2016 Groves Award Winner
We'd like to help celebrate this year's Groves Award Winner! Andy Blake, City Manager for the City of Ranson, West Virginia, will receive the 2016 Groves Award, given annually by the Congress for the New Urbanism and the Transect Codes Council to recognize outstanding leadership and vision in the promotion of Transect-based... Continue Reading
It’s the Complexity, Stupid! (Try ‘splainin’ that in an elevator)
I’m writing this as Wisconsin voters appear poised, if we’re to believe the hyperventilating pundits, to push the reset button on the 2016 presidential primary season. All bets are off from here on.
Not the smart money, though. That’s because the presidential campaign is likely to play out within boundaries shaped... Continue Reading
Benchmarks: Places on the move measure up
As spring tempts us to pick up the pace of our outdoor activities, it's clear that not all places have equal footing. Those well-positioned to draw us out into health-boosting active transportation are enjoying all sorts of benefits. City planners across North America are trying hard to even the playing field. The 2016... Continue Reading
Placemaking vs. Placeshaking
A recent post over on Comstock's reignited consideration of the word "placemaking," sparking some of our own thoughts on the matter.
Given that we as a firm have officially been "placemakers" (on legal documents and everything!) since 2003, we unsurprisingly have our own thoughts on what this rather ill-defined word... Continue Reading
Retail: Walkable urban primer with southwest inspiration
A couple weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of working with Bob Gibbs in Las Cruces, New Mexico, looking at ways to help downtown outperform the suburbs, helping Main Street be more profitable than strip malls. The top lessons were to nurture unique historic character in walkable formats and don't build leasable space... Continue Reading
Making Sense of Community
Let’s start at the beginning. Sense of community is a legitimate thing. Or at least it was, until people like me got ahold of it.
To explain: In 1986, social psychologists David W. McMillan and David M. Chavis published their theory on what they termed “sense of community” -- the feeling we experience when engaged... Continue Reading
Tags Resilience, Scott Doyon
Smart Design = Smart Policy:
Eezy-Peezy? Not so fast
See if this sounds familiar:
The city planning staff, maybe working with an expert team of design consultants, comes up with what they think is a no-brainer solution to a high-profile problem. Say, a proposal for much-needed multifamily development to address workforce housing demand. Or a plan to fix a blighted block... Continue Reading
Makers Gonna Make: makerspace v2
Do you have the hands-on gene? If not, the hottest new topic in neurology – epigenetics – suggests that your environment may tweak your genetic tendencies. If you find yourself in a place conducive to creative experimentation, you may just have to put your hands on something. The burgeoning makerspace movement is all... Continue Reading
Tags Hazel Borys
Fortunately, Unfortunately: A children’s primer on urban evolution
Not so long ago I was reminded of a book my Mom used to read me as a child: “Fortunately,” by Remy Charlip (briefly renamed “What Good Luck! What Bad Luck!” for a few years as well). It tells the tale of a young boy invited to a party and the series of misfortunes he experiences on his way there.
(more…) Continue Reading
Tags Scott Doyon
Charrette: A Social Innovation Lab
When you think social innovation, you might think micro loans in developing countries, or hand-ups to help people in from the fringes here at home. Or a wide range of ways to build social capital or how charitable institutions backstop community with philanthropy. But for those of you who are working in the city planning... Continue Reading