Tag: Urban Design

Placemaking vs. Placeshaking

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
A recent post over on Comstock's reignited consideration of the word "placemaking," sparking some of our own thoughts on the matter. Given that we as a firm have officially been "placemakers" (on legal documents and everything!) since 2003, we unsurprisingly have our own thoughts on what this rather ill-defined word... Continue Reading

Let’s Get Small: Placemaking as Antidote for Shrinking City Budgets

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
It’s that time of year, but it’s no holiday party in most city budget meetings. Cities across the continent are looking for ways to make ends meet. A quick survey turns up some sobering city deficits: New York $4.4 billion, Toronto $225 million, Washington DC $188 million, Houston $120 million, L.A. $87 million, San... Continue Reading