Tag: social networks

Charrette: A Social Innovation Lab

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
When you think social innovation, you might think micro loans in developing countries, or hand-ups to help people in from the fringes here at home. Or a wide range of ways to build social capital or how charitable institutions backstop community with philanthropy. But for those of you who are working in the city planning... Continue Reading

The Social Network: Community Edition

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Likes. Friends. Followers. We’ve got hundreds of ‘em. Plus, LinkedIN for professionals and Google+ for, uhhhh, well, for someone and then all kinds of iPhone texting, FaceTime, email, and Skype-ing. Who has time to make a phone call anymore? In trying to understanding and leverage the power of our wired social networks,... Continue Reading