Tag: National Charrette Institute

From Ideas to Action: Cheaply, quickly, fairly

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Last week, in the Congress for the New Urbanism’s “Public Square” blog, sociologist David Brain outlined strategies for a Lean charrette, which is a work-in-progress concept designed to match up with Lean Urbanism strategies. Opportunist that I am, I welcome that as an excuse to try Part 2 of the charrette discussion... Continue Reading

Smart Design = Smart Policy:
Eezy-Peezy? Not so fast

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
See if this sounds familiar: The city planning staff, maybe working with an expert team of design consultants, comes up with what they think is a no-brainer solution to a high-profile problem. Say, a proposal for much-needed multifamily development to address workforce housing demand. Or a plan to fix a blighted block... Continue Reading

Everything is Multiplied: Social media as tool, threat and total waste of time

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
So I’m checking out the debut of the Onion News Network and two things occurred to me: First, sadly for the Onion writers, cable news is inoculated against parody. What passes for news and analysis on most cable shows satirizes itself. Hence Jon Stewart’s brilliant strategy of curating and juxtaposing actual news... Continue Reading