
A Placemaking Journal

What’s So Smart About the SmartCode? And Why Do We Need It?

Geoff Dyer
Geoff Dyer
What the world definitely does not need are more complicated rules for doing anything. So why are planners imposing a whole new approach to zoning on communities? To planning pros, the question seems unfair. New regulatory approaches grow from necessity. The old ones simply don’t work for getting many communities... Continue Reading

Innovation on the Road to Oblivion?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Context is everything. The New York Times reports with unease that the FDA has approved statin drug Crestor’s use in a preventive capacity for those not currently diagnosed with cholesterol problems. The degree to which this represents innovation in medicine is a topic to be debated elsewhere. What matters to me is... Continue Reading

Love Ain’t Enough: Put Up or Shut Up

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Like any next, big something, placemaking is growing up. And in its role as gawky adolescent, it's beginning to realize something most of us have long since come to accept: You can't skirt by on youthful good looks forever. Today, efforts to create more endearing and enduring surroundings are being subjected to decidedly... Continue Reading

How Trying Too Hard Messes Up Main Street

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
In taking on the foibles of our built environment, author James Howard Kunstler makes a point of noting that he’s neither an architect nor planner. Instead, he’s the everyman, and his profession is dutifully pointing out that the emperor has no clothes. I’m in a similar position. I’m not an architect or planner... Continue Reading

An App for That (And that and that…)

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
One of the greatest selling points of the SmartCode, the DPZ-created version of a form-based unified development ordinance, has always been its customize-ability. First of all, it’s Transect-based, which immediately separates it from conventional codes that stamp out the same rules for development everywhere in the landscape. Continue Reading

You Betcha! It’s PechaKucha…

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
It used to be that I would claim to be too young to be cynical, but those days have long passed. The change is becoming apparent as I begin to prepare for a local PechaKucha event I’m participating in this weekend. It’s Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti to raise money and awareness for Haiti through Architecture for... Continue Reading

Heaven Help Us: Ambitious Project Both Reaffirms, Tests Faith in Sustainable Future

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I was a post-Vatican II, suburban Catholic. For anyone of shared experience, that typically meant attending a church that was designed and built to serve the rapidly growing, happy motoring suburban leisure class. Equal parts woody earth tones and ample parking, it was a transient testament to our nation’s awkward... Continue Reading

Community and Charity: Bold Action Inspires a Closer Look

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to. – Mark 14:07 I’m not sure Jesus could see all the way to the 21st century. If he could, he may have been more inclined to offer, “You’ll always have the poor, but there are plenty of ways to avoid their unpleasantries. And... Continue Reading

Development Option Theory

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
The real option theory of land development was a hot topic in the mid 2000's, as the volatility of the real estate market peaked. Now that we have a break from the U.S. housing bubble and financial crisis, it's worth talking about how we might decrease the volatility of the development market over time. Urbanism by... Continue Reading

A Rapid Kick Off for CNU18 Atlanta — “Urban Labs” Point to May Conference

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The 18th national conference of the Congress for the New Urbanism doesn’t officially start until May 19, 2010. But Atlanta, the host city, is getting a running start. Conference organizers in Atlanta are working with Metro governments, non-profits, and the private sector to create lead-in events tied to all the big... Continue Reading
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