
A Placemaking Journal

Pandemic Toolkit: Actions for rebuilding health and opportunity

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In the seven months since I blogged last, many of us have turned our attention to cataloguing and collecting planning practices of how cities, towns and suburbs are responding to COVID-19 in an attempt to rebuild health and opportunity. Thanks to those of you who contributed to the PlaceMakers Pandemic Response Compendium,... Continue Reading

A Pirate Looks at . . . Seventy? (Reflections on a Long Career, with Six Essentials for Greener, Healthier Communities)

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Most people who know my work expect the writing I do in this space, as well as my speaking, to focus on what we should be doing to create and sustain greener, healthier communities. Don’t worry, that’s eventually where this particular piece of writing is going. I can’t help myself when it comes to that subject. But... Continue Reading

Climate Adaptation: A weather report

Scott Bernstein
Scott Bernstein
This is a case study of the application of Scott’s argument that will be presented at the upcoming virtual Congress, CNU28, during the Wednesday, June 10, 2:30pm EDT session, New Tools for Urban Resilience, as well as part of our ongoing series in support of urbanist COVID-19 policy discussions. Among the lessons... Continue Reading

Public Participation, Part II: Equitable Outreach

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is Part II of a two-parter on community engagement strategies in a new era. Part I is here. This conversation is the third in our series addressing planning challenges for local governments in a post-pandemic future. The two previous topics can be found here and here. Jennifer Hurley is President & CEO of Hurley-Franks... Continue Reading

Public Participation, Part I: Let’s Fix What’s Not Working

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is Part I of a two-parter on this topic. The conversation is the third in our series addressing planning challenges in an era likely to be reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. The two previous topics can be found here and here. Jennifer Hurley is President & CEO of Hurley-Franks & Associates, a planning consultancy... Continue Reading

Lessons from the Pandemic: Housing, Retail, Broadband

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is the second in a series of conversations about what comes next in local government policies and processes. Geoff Koski is president of the Bleakly Advisory Group, providing advice to real estate professionals, governments, and non-profit organizations dealing with a wide- range of real estate and economic development-related... Continue Reading

After the Plague: Go Big or Go Backwards?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is the first of several posts planned for the next few weeks on lessons we’re learning from the pandemic and how local and regional governments might respond – not only to the crisis itself, but also to weaknesses in policies and processes COVID-19 exposed. Let’s start with an understatement: Community development... Continue Reading

Shelter in Place: Working in a time of isolation

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In this time of social distancing without a clear time frame, I’m feeling the need to share some of the things I’ve learned over 17 years of working from a home office. It’s clear that the novel corona virus will disrupt our previous ways of doing business, but it’s possible some parts of that may be good, eventually. Continue Reading

Code Score: A New Aid for aligning policy and vision with outcomes

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Whether we’re talking equity, affordability, jobs, health, or a list of other pressing topics, every community strives for more effective outcomes from policies to address a broad range of competing demands. The fact that the demands – and the strategies to address them – are competing for time and resources is its... Continue Reading
Category Uncategorized

Code Hackathon: What can go wrong with form-based codes?

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
We often talk about how places can hack their zoning code to enable livability. The Project for Code Reform is taking this idea to the next level, helping cities look for the lowest hanging fruit on the walkability front. However, for places on the cutting edge of land use reform that have already adopted a form-based... Continue Reading
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