
A Placemaking Journal

Reaching the Limits of Passionate Defense: Time to turn back

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
When House Speaker John Boehner, indulging his inner Howard Beale, launched a Republican counterattack against the party’s far right wing, it seemed to me the GOP was finally rubbing up against the same rough edges of reality that have become apparent in big-time sports. And the lessons apply as much to civic life in... Continue Reading

Happy City Highlights

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Ever had one of those doctor’s visits in which your physician questions you in great detail about your family medical history? Trying to tease out the nebulous connections within your DNA to explain certain strengths, weaknesses, and anomalies. And then he uses that connecting thread to help solve something that’s... Continue Reading

13 Ways to Kill Your Community

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Not so long ago, fellow urban scribe and recently elected mayor of Concrete, Washington, Jason Miller, recommended the book, “13 Ways to Kill Your Community.” The timing was fortuitous. For a while, in an ongoing series of internal conversations, I’d been wrestling with a fundamental question of human nature: Are... Continue Reading

One Chart to Explain Everything: You’re welcome

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Welcome to what we all need: A single chart that explains everything. Okay, maybe not everything. But a lot of stuff, especially stuff related to making rules for growing businesses and communities. It's simple. And here's what it illustrates: When you’re shaping rules to live by, the more you optimize flexibility,... Continue Reading

Richard Florida on Technology, Talent, and Tolerance

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Last Friday, I attended an inspiring Richard Florida luncheon put on by the Winnipeg Chamber, and can’t resist sharing the high points with you. Technology, talent and tolerance are essential to fostering creative cultures. When we talk about the creative class, we aren’t talking about some rarified, exclusive group... Continue Reading

New Media for Designers and Builders

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Steve Mouzon’s much anticipated new book, New Media for Designers + Builders, releases today. This groovy user-intensive e-book is a road map for revising the marketing efforts of the design and construction community. The premise: Tired marketing budgets are antiquated and out of step with a post-recession world where... Continue Reading

Tonic or Toxic: Reimagining Homeowner Associations

Guest Contributor
Guest Contributor
A little over eight years ago I hosted a seminar on Homeowner Associations (HOAs) with my friend and collaborator Doris Goldstein. One of our speakers, David Wolfe, offered a unique perspective on HOAs. David, who had successfully managed hundreds of HOAs without litigation, argued that HOAs retain the personality... Continue Reading

“Pilot Projects”: Ready for the scrap heap of now meaningless buzzspeak?

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Throughout my professional career, whenever a new or innovative approach is taken on a development project, its title automatically defaults to that of ‘Pilot Project.’ It occurs so often that I am changing my title to ‘Pilot Project Pilot’ as I would then be involved with pretty much every development proposal... Continue Reading

Lessons from the Woods

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Half-way through our family’s relocation to the woods for the month of August, placeshakers have been asking me for town planning lessons learned. It’s challenging to encapsulate a place as extraordinary as Victoria Beach, with its 101-year history of car-free summers and an elegant street grid of dirt roads that are... Continue Reading

Informing Excellence (Not Imitation)

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
The flurry of social media discussions sparked by my recent series on lessons from great cities has made it apparent that a few things aren’t clear. When I write about a particular square in some inspiring place, I’m hoping you won't take away from it that we should stamp 5-story buildings on 50-yard wide squares... Continue Reading
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