
A Placemaking Journal

The Plaza: What is required for a community living room?

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Recent trips to Spain and Germany have me appreciating the nuances of three plazas I had the pleasure of experiencing. Each plaza was a different character and scale from the other, which if I had to sum up simply, I’d call Salamanca’s Plaza Mayor: A City Plaza, Berlin’s Gendarmenmarkt: A Civic Plaza, and Zafra’s... Continue Reading

Ideas Converging for Housing Opportunity: Some sorta oldish, lots very NUish

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
When we look back on this period, we might discover that the effort to ramp up realistic approaches to the challenges of community affordability reached some sort of tipping point in the spring and summer of 2015. (more…) Continue Reading

“General Welfare” for the Next Generation

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Lately I’ve been thinking about “health, safety, and general welfare” -- the basis by which zoning is typically legitimized and measured -- and wondering just how great a disconnect needs to form between our purported values and our land use regulations before we admit that something’s not working. (more…) Continue Reading

Household Solar Popularity Builds, As Does Utility Industry Discomfort

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
A couple of weeks ago, my wife Sharon and I were out for a long neighborhood walk. This is not unusual for us, but on this particular day we took a route we hadn't walked in quite some time. I was pleased to notice that one of the traditional, colonial-style houses we encountered was sporting solar panels on its roof. Continue Reading

PlaceMakers’ Intrepid Inside-Baseball Highlight Reel from CNU23

PlaceMakers Twitter Instagram Facebook
Having just wrapped up what may have been our favorite CNU ever, in Dallas on April 29 through May 2, we want to share some of the ideas that resonated the most with us. The topics below are snippets of great insights from many voices, including the likes of Andrés Duany, Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, Doug Farr, and... Continue Reading

Need a Better Story?
Get a better to-do list

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Let’s take a wild stab at a generalization: Success at building a business or growing a non-profit or making a community more livable depends a lot on trust. You have to keep delivering what you promise to get people to keep buying what you’re selling. (more…) Continue Reading

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish: The DNA of urban succession

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Steve Jobs ended one of his most memorable speeches with the encouragement, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” He was quoting the message on the final page of the final publication of The Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand’s version of pre-Google, assembled with typewriters, polaroid’s and scissors. Jobs’ point for... Continue Reading

Better Streets: Whatchu whatchu whatchu want?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
“What a bunch of idiots. Don’t they know this will create a traffic nightmare?” Sound familiar? It’s the most commonly voiced complaint any time the community conversation turns to traffic calming. Taken at face value, it’s not an outrageous sentiment. After all, when you’re out and about, anything that... Continue Reading

Urbanism: Nothing to Fear

Scott Bernstein
Scott Bernstein
When the 9/11 attacks happened, all sorts of pundits started re-questioning whether cities should be decentralized, notably including Ed Glaeser. That questioning happened again after Hurricane Katrina and the continuing hurricanes along the Gulf Coast. (more…) Continue Reading

Green in the City: A recipe for mental and environmental health

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
The National Arbor Day Foundation has a simple app on its website that allows visitors to see how a city changes as it adds tree cover and other vegetation. Using a little sliding tool, one can gradually change the illustration from one with few trees to one with abundant trees. The difference is striking: everyone... Continue Reading
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