Tag: Plazas

Civic Space: Creating Community

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Public space, or as many urbanists refer to it, civic space, sets the stage for community building. The study of how we use public space has been refined by Jan Gehl over the last thirty years, since the publication of his Life Between Buildings in 1987. A couple of weeks ago, Gehl released his Public Life Data Protocol,... Continue Reading

Lessons From Savannah

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Savannah, Georgia is arguably one of, if not the most, beautiful cities in the United States. Although I lived there for a while 25 years ago, on a recent visit I was struck by the many placemaking lessons we can learn from this lovely city. In anticipation of the 2018 CNU Congress in the city, I started taking some notes... Continue Reading

The Trifecta: Urbanism, architecture, and nature

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
We often blog on the benefits of nature integrated into urbanism and wellbeing outcomes of walkability. The real trifecta is when walkable urbanism, human-scale architecture, and nature come together via placemaking. A recent study from the University of Warwick points out that a scenic view delivers equal health benefits... Continue Reading

Triangular Plazas: Flexible, outdoor rooms with meaningful uses

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Last year I enjoyed thinking of the critical components of a successful plaza: activity, locals, and a third place. Great plazas are hosts to community engagement any time of the day or evening, they attract both locals and tourists, and always have a third place fronting at least one edge of the outdoor room. A recent... Continue Reading

The Plaza: What is required for a community living room?

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Recent trips to Spain and Germany have me appreciating the nuances of three plazas I had the pleasure of experiencing. Each plaza was a different character and scale from the other, which if I had to sum up simply, I’d call Salamanca’s Plaza Mayor: A City Plaza, Berlin’s Gendarmenmarkt: A Civic Plaza, and Zafra’s... Continue Reading