Category: Development
Back to the Farm (And to the Bunker)
Just when reporters were beginning to buy into the hopefulness of “sprawl repair” and “ag is the new golf,” Andres Duany trips them up with visions of the dark side. Or at least the really hard side, as in the hard work ahead if we’re to reverse the direction of 20th century excesses.
"Our wealth as a nation... Continue Reading
Category Development, Planning and Design
Beaches, Booze and Briefs: A New Urban Odyssey and Retail Lament
Last week I hurriedly packed for my 10 day New Urbanism adventure in the Southeastern United States. In my rush I was only able to find and pack nine pairs of clean skivvies, but assured myself that I would be able to pick up a new pair while traveling through Georgia, Alabama and Florida.
(more…) Continue Reading
Original Greensta: Steve Mouzon Gets Medieval on Sustainability
The Original Green is all about architecture and urbanism. But it’s also about reflection, living, inspiration, and delight. We can achieve sustainable living only when we “want to” or “love to” instead of feeling that we “have to” or “ought to” balance the needs of our society, economy and environment. Continue Reading
18th New Urbanist Congress: Best Ever?
What’s constitutes “best ever” depends on the takeaways, right? And when it comes to conferences, we could be talking takeaways that aren’t products of the event itself. Like maybe you got a job or connected with a soul mate. Let’s call that the upside of unintended consequences.
(more…) Continue Reading
Love Ain’t Enough: Put Up or Shut Up
Like any next, big something, placemaking is growing up. And in its role as gawky adolescent, it's beginning to realize something most of us have long since come to accept: You can't skirt by on youthful good looks forever.
Today, efforts to create more endearing and enduring surroundings are being subjected to decidedly... Continue Reading
How Trying Too Hard Messes Up Main Street
In taking on the foibles of our built environment, author James Howard Kunstler makes a point of noting that he’s neither an architect nor planner. Instead, he’s the everyman, and his profession is dutifully pointing out that the emperor has no clothes.
I’m in a similar position. I’m not an architect or planner... Continue Reading
Heaven Help Us: Ambitious Project Both Reaffirms, Tests Faith in Sustainable Future
I was a post-Vatican II, suburban Catholic.
For anyone of shared experience, that typically meant attending a church that was designed and built to serve the rapidly growing, happy motoring suburban leisure class. Equal parts woody earth tones and ample parking, it was a transient testament to our nation’s awkward... Continue Reading
Development Option Theory
The real option theory of land development was a hot topic in the mid 2000's, as the volatility of the real estate market peaked. Now that we have a break from the U.S. housing bubble and financial crisis, it's worth talking about how we might decrease the volatility of the development market over time.
Urbanism by... Continue Reading
A Rapid Kick Off for CNU18 Atlanta — “Urban Labs” Point to May Conference
The 18th national conference of the Congress for the New Urbanism doesn’t officially start until May 19, 2010. But Atlanta, the host city, is getting a running start.
Conference organizers in Atlanta are working with Metro governments, non-profits, and the private sector to create lead-in events tied to all the big... Continue Reading
Easy Rider: David Byrne Unfolds Bike, Reviews Cities of the World
Over the holiday I experienced a very 21st century weekend. Upon downloading my new Kindle App on my iPhone, I read David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries, 2009 Viking Penguin. The $14.99 book caught my attention at the local bookstore and became my first Amazon Kindle App purchase for $9.99. I know, I know... but I promise to... Continue Reading