Tag: historic preservation

Let’s Get Metaphysical: Considering the value of soul in redevelopment

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Not so long ago, in a conversation about technology and green building, there was mention of some high-tech green building models coming out of Europe. Models that, according to reports, perform so well that even if you factor the embedded energy of a previous structure torn down to accommodate them, they still come out... Continue Reading

Can Preservationists Let Love Rule?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Call me naive. When I was first exposed to the New Urbanism in the 1990s, it was as a 9 to 5 ad-man with an appreciation for music and art. Killing time one day in my dentist’s waiting room, I stumbled upon “Bye-Bye Suburban Dream,” the cover story of the latest Newsweek magazine. I still remember the feeling... Continue Reading

Heaven Help Us: Ambitious Project Both Reaffirms, Tests Faith in Sustainable Future

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I was a post-Vatican II, suburban Catholic. For anyone of shared experience, that typically meant attending a church that was designed and built to serve the rapidly growing, happy motoring suburban leisure class. Equal parts woody earth tones and ample parking, it was a transient testament to our nation’s awkward... Continue Reading

Preservation Through Beauty

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
A recent New York Times article, examining struggling efforts to preserve the architecture of the New Deal, raises an interesting question: Why do some attempts at preservation capture broad-based attention and support while others wither away as fringe acts of desperation? The answer might have a lot to do with beauty. Continue Reading
Category Architecture