Tag: Hazel Borys
Dhiru’s Encyclopedia of City-Shaping: Reassurance in Uncertain Times
Just about anybody remotely interested in how the world’s most admired places earned their adulation is going to love Dhiru Thadani’s new book: The Language of Towns and Cities. In it, Dhiru subtitles the book “A Visual Dictionary,” but as L.J. Aurbach points out in his blog review, it’s really an encyclopedia. Continue Reading
Category Architecture, Planning and Design
Brave New Codes Reach Tipping Point: When, Where, Why?
A year ago, Apple's sales of its iPhone and iPod Touch eclipsed 40 million units, confirming their potential to fundamentally retool our future opportunities and patterns of daily life.
Today, a year later, form-based codes hit a similar milestone, with similar implications, as over 330 cities and towns around the world... Continue Reading
Original Greensta: Steve Mouzon Gets Medieval on Sustainability
The Original Green is all about architecture and urbanism. But it’s also about reflection, living, inspiration, and delight. We can achieve sustainable living only when we “want to” or “love to” instead of feeling that we “have to” or “ought to” balance the needs of our society, economy and environment. Continue Reading
Love Ain’t Enough: Put Up or Shut Up
Like any next, big something, placemaking is growing up. And in its role as gawky adolescent, it's beginning to realize something most of us have long since come to accept: You can't skirt by on youthful good looks forever.
Today, efforts to create more endearing and enduring surroundings are being subjected to decidedly... Continue Reading