Tag: development

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 03: The importance of a meaningful vision

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
In our last post in this series, we covered the three steps of placemaking. The first of these steps, crafting a meaningful vision, is the most straightforward, yet it is also the most underleveraged. It is underleveraged because communities do not understand its political implications. As a result they do not adequately... Continue Reading

Next Urbanism Lab 01: The layers that built San Diego

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
My city’s downtown is built on decades of layers. Planning trends layered upon planning trends. Over its history, through a long list of award-winning vision plans, San Diego has earnestly followed what every other city has done. Not to discount the quality of the plans, mind you. After all, John Nolen did two. Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 01: Quantity over quality

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
Today we begin a PlaceShakers experiment. Through a series of periodic posts, Nathan Norris will explore how cities hinder their own placemaking efforts, wasting time and money by investing in tools, policies and programs that deliver lousy results. In the process, we’ll be looking to you to help flesh out the content... Continue Reading

YIMSEO: Yes In My Sphere of Emotional Ownership

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Last year about this time I wrote on the subject of NIMBYs and laid out a challenge to the NIMBY nation. It’s time to stop talking about what you don’t want, I said, and start talking about what you do want. In short, it’s time to develop the criteria under which a Not-In-My-Back-Yarder will say yes. And to that... Continue Reading