Category: Planning and Design

Katrina Cottages Finding Traction on Gulf Coast

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Finally, after more than three and a half years, one of the key New Urbanist efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is beginning to grow legs. And perhaps more importantly, the models being created have implications for affordable housing everywhere. (In the interest of full disclosure:... Continue Reading

On this Earth Day Anniversary: Hints of Convergence

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
As 21st century crises and concerns began stacking up, it had begun to look as if Smart Growth priorities were going to have to compete for attention and resources with other burning issues. Such as: Climate change, peak oil, community affordability, health care costs, and now the struggling global economy. But on... Continue Reading

DPZ Promotes Mall Makeovers

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Will Florida put the “suburban retrofitting” movement on the fast track? [caption id="attachment_265" align="alignright" width="360"] Making it easier to do something about this.[/caption] Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. (DPZ) is providing state officials with a legislative template to do just that. On April... Continue Reading

An Urban Fix for Suburbia? Tackling Growing Problems Through Retrofits

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Watching Andres Duany go through images at the final presentation of the Lifelong Communities charrette in Atlanta, it quickly became clear how many of the goals of the ambitious planning effort could be lumped under one category: retrofitting suburbia. "In one way or another," said DPZ principal Galina Tahchieva, "all... Continue Reading

Atlanta’s Lifelong Communities Charrette Delivers the Goods

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Atlanta's landmark charrette on planning for "Lifelong Communities" wrapped on February 17, with an Andres Duany presentation to a downtown auditorium packed with some 500 people. A crowd of nearly 500 gathers for the closing presentation of the ARC's Lifelong Communities charrette. On February 11, the opening night... Continue Reading

Atlanta, AARP, DPZ Attack Challenges of Aging in Place

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The New Urbanist mantra for neighborhood planning is to go for compact, connected, and complete. Well, one critical component of completeness, that of making communities comfortable - and practical - for residents of all ages, has been sort of assumed by NU planners. Yet it's taken an effort by the nation's primary advocacy... Continue Reading

What We’re Reading: A Legal Guide to Urban and Sustainable Development

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
It probably won’t surprise most folks that the pursuit of more traditional (and sustainable) urban patterns is often thwarted by…  lawyers! But here’s a refreshing change: Two of them – Dan Slone and Doris Goldstein, with Andy Gowder – have just released A Legal Guide to Urban and Sustainable Development for... Continue Reading

Gluttony and Glut: Finding the New Normal

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
How serious is the implosion of the once-booming urban condo market? And what does the downturn say about the prospects for housing in urban centers? A piece in the business section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution seems to say it all. Desperate to unload some units in "a stagnant market," says the sub-headline,... Continue Reading

What We’re Reading: Retrofitting Suburbia

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Considerable attention has been paid to development in urban cores and new neighborhoods on the exurban periphery. But in between, the out-of-date and unsustainable developments in existing suburbs also provide enormous opportunities for regeneration. Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs,... Continue Reading
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