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Downtown Winnipeg Minecraft Lounge

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Guest Contributor
Last summer in Winnipeg, me, my mother, a couple of my friends (Juca Shanski-de-Aquino and Weldon Scott), and the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ put together a Minecraft lounge. Now some of you have probably already read a blog last year that my mom wrote about this same Minecraft lounge. Her blog also included a piece about Pokémon... Continue Reading

Zen & The Art of Traffic Calming

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Guest Contributor
In the view of most urbanists, walkability is a measure of how healthy a city is. It essentially describes how safe and how well-planned a city is for pedestrians, which will in turn determine how often citizens interact with their city. There are so many factors that go in to making a city walkable. The factor... Continue Reading

Tonic or Toxic: Reimagining Homeowner Associations

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A little over eight years ago I hosted a seminar on Homeowner Associations (HOAs) with my friend and collaborator Doris Goldstein. One of our speakers, David Wolfe, offered a unique perspective on HOAs. David, who had successfully managed hundreds of HOAs without litigation, argued that HOAs retain the personality... Continue Reading

Comp Planning Off the Beaten Path

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I tend to take the road less traveled. For whatever reason, conventional approaches have never interested me. And the process I came up with for my city’s comp plan was no different. Why? Well, first off, conventionalism leads to..... "BORING!" (Yell it out like no one can hear you!) (more…) Continue Reading

Identifying the “Sabermetrics” of Urbanism

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"For forty-one million, you built a playoff team. You lost Damon, Giambi, Isringhausen, Peña and you won more games without them than you did with them. You won the exact same number of games that the Yankees won, but the Yankees spent one point four million per win and you paid two hundred and sixty thousand. I know... Continue Reading

It’s not me, it’s you (and you, and you)

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Guest Contributor
I had the pleasure of presenting at the New Partners for Smart Growth conference last week in Kansas City, Missouri with Nathan Norris, Chad Emerson and Eliza Harris. Nathan assembled an entertaining panel (100 points to anyone who can identify the former Broadway star) to present the top 20 municipal placemaking mistakes. Continue Reading

To Those Proud and Exuberant Promoters of Town, City and State: I say thank you!

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In this extended holiday essay, explorer / spelunker / observer John Watts delivers an everyman's take on Chesterton's oft-noted adage: Places don't become loved because they are great; they become great because they are loved. Does your town invite "word-of-mouth walking?" I am always profoundly moved and impacted... Continue Reading

New Urban Development: Too risky, too costly. Not.

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Guest Contributor
I just heard from a colleague who had a developer tell him something along the lines of: "New Urbanism is too risky and too expensive because, you know, Kentlands failed." That’s not an uncommon belief. What is uncommon, however, for anyone on the receiving end of such broad brush generalizations, is an easy response... Continue Reading

An Ode to Old Towns

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PlaceShakers takes a very literal step off our comfortably beaten paths of urban design, zoning reform and community resiliency today to focus on, as the software industry calls it, the "end-user experience." Despite, or perhaps because of, having no vocational connection to placemaking at all, explorer / spelunker / observer... Continue Reading
Category Experience

A Municipal Planner’s Call to Arms (and Legs, Hearts and Lungs)

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Guest Contributor
The obesity epidemic isn’t really “news” anymore (thank you, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution) yet when I question my friends who work outside the fields of design and planning on why Americans are so fat, they tie everything back to poor food choices. But what about exercise? They reply that if you want to exercise,... Continue Reading