Ben Brown

One Chart to Explain Everything: You’re welcome

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Welcome to what we all need: A single chart that explains everything. Okay, maybe not everything. But a lot of stuff, especially stuff related to making rules for growing businesses and communities. It's simple. And here's what it illustrates: When you’re shaping rules to live by, the more you optimize flexibility,... Continue Reading

Old School Strategies for Connectivity (Hint: Batteries not required)

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
For years, I’ve been jotting down inverse relationships as they crop up in my professional and personal life. Here, for instance, is one from my previous career as a journalist: The quality of reporting at any event is inversely proportional to the number of reporters covering it. Think Super Bowls, political conventions... Continue Reading

Here Comes Chaos: David Lynch sketches the landscape

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
If I’d been paying better attention (which is how I start a lot of sentences these days), I could have begun my reeducation in the ways things work in 1986. That’s when film director David Lynch gave us Blue Velvet. Back then, the way Dennis Hopper and Isabella Rossellini embraced Lynch’s sex and violence mash-ups... Continue Reading

New Game, New Rules? Guessing at the future of American housing

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
If it did nothing else, the last decade should have disciplined some of our enthusiasm for betting the house, literally, on long-term trends deduced from short-term experiences. Remember that little hiccup in the world economy when pretty much everybody bought into assumptions about ever-rising home values? So where... Continue Reading

The Data is In: Let the heavy lifting begin

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The good news about making the redevelopment of American neighborhoods more responsive to 21st century American needs is that we seem to have a pretty good grasp on the problem: We have a lot more isolated, supersized, energy-sucking housing than we want or can afford. And we have a lot less compact, close-in, energy-efficient... Continue Reading

The End is Near, Part II: Leveraging imminent doom as ‘Grand Strategy’

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This is maybe one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for moments. But I’m spinning it upside all the way. In one previous post, I griped about planning’s synaptic delay dilemma. When it comes to the really big issues of our time, the time lapse between doing stupid stuff and suffering the consequences is too great... Continue Reading

Finally Thinkin’ Small: But can we build on what we’ve learned?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
As soon as the destructive path of Hurricane Sandy became evident, I got emails and calls from colleagues who, like me, worked in disaster recovery situations on the Gulf Coast. When the clean-up gets underway, could this be an opportunity for the Eastern Seaboard states to apply some of the rebuilding lessons of the Gulf... Continue Reading

Ready for the Geezer Glut? Then think beyond “aging in place”

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Among the Big Issues awaiting communities after we shake off the post-recession blues is what to do about demography. Particularly the part about America’s aging population. The first-borns among the 76-million-strong Baby Boomer generation reached 65 in 2011. And over the next three decades, the geezer slice of the... Continue Reading

Chickens, Eggs and Economic Development: Imaginary assumptions = imaginary outcomes

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
My favorite explain-everything joke is the one Woody Allen, as Alvy Singer, recollects in a voice-over at the end of Annie Hall: "This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, 'Doc, uh, my brother's crazy, he thinks he's a chicken,' and uh, the doctor says, 'well why don't you turn him in?' And the guy says, 'I would, but... Continue Reading

In Defense of ‘Vibrancy’ (And beer)

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
So I’m watching Asheville, the closest city to my rural community in western North Carolina, celebrate the announcement that Colorado-based New Belgium Brewing Company will be opening a brewery in the city’s redeveloping River Arts District. And based partly on extensive research with PlaceMakers partner Scott Doyon... Continue Reading
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