Tag: walking

The (Irrational) Criminalization of Walking

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, if only there was a concise resource available that articulates key reasons why walking is so much less prevalent in the modern age; why this presents unanticipated threats to safety, health, the environment, child development, and social equity; and what we in our communities... Continue Reading

Ways to Fail at Form-Based Codes 04: Don’t Capture the Character

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
The other day, I was riding my bike from a deeply walkable, bikeable neighbourhood to a more auto-dominated environment, and I was struck again by the tactile response when you’re walking or biking through this change. In the walkable neighbourhood, fellow cyclists were in the streets or in bike lanes, mixing safely... Continue Reading