Tag: Teddy Cruz

The Future of Municipal Planning: Is John Nolen rolling over in his grave?

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
This is not the planning profession John Nolen built. A century later, our great recession has sparked a full re-evaluation of what a city’s urban planning department should be ‘doing’ for its citizens. As witnessed in Los Angeles and San Diego, the planning profession is being measured by its eternal conundrum between... Continue Reading

Tools for Trickle Up Economics

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Several years ago I had the fortune of collaborating with architect Teddy Cruz, artist Joyce Cutler-Shaw, and landscape architect Michael Sears on a study of San Diego’s rich history of creating Visionary Planning documents. Our documents included John Nolen’s 1907 and 1926 City Plans, Kevin Lynch and... Continue Reading

My Right Turn at the Intersection of Good Ideas

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
When things get tough, people start digging in ideologically, increasingly viewing the world through the lens of their own experiences to fortify their already entrenched positions. Yes, experience counts for a lot and, chances are, they do hold some piece of the larger solution. But as we’ve learned time and time... Continue Reading