Tag: Robert Gibbs

Designing Regional Urban Retail Centers:  Lessons from the Mall and Beyond

Geoff Dyer
Geoff Dyer
As many of us are actively trying to reform car-focused retail into dynamic mixed-use, walkable urban centers, we are quick to point at the mall as the poster child for everything we are trying to reform. But as the heyday of last-century's drive-to mall fades into the past, there are many things that the mall excelled... Continue Reading

Monkey See, Monkey Don’t: Economic Development as a whole new animal

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In the economic development world, we're always trying to grow our economic base. And by that we mean goods and services that we export, not just what we use in our local markets. That might include university services, tourism, and any products that we pack and ship, or regional retail that we steal from our neighbors. We... Continue Reading