Tag: peak oil

Aging, Self-Driving Cars, and How We Suck at Predicting Doom

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
As a species, we like to keep on keepin’ on. We’re predisposed to favor continuity and resist change. Which includes not wanting to be held accountable for any less-than-stellar choices we might make along the way. For years we’ve had various prophets of doom telling us that dispersed suburban living is one of... Continue Reading

Resilience: It’s who ya know.

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
If there’s one thing the 20th century gave us, it’s the luxury of not needing each other. It so defines our culture that it’s physically embodied in our sprawling, disconnected landscapes. That alone begs a classic, chicken-n-egg question: Did the leisurely lure of the suburbs kill our sense of community? Were... Continue Reading