Tag: neighborhood planning

The Five Cs of Neighborhood Planning

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
I live in a city that is currently updating its Community Plans. This is an historically difficult planning job because Community Plans transcend both broad policy statements (such as the amorphous "New development should be in harmony with surrounding development...") and specific development regulations ("Front yard... Continue Reading

YIMSEO: Yes In My Sphere of Emotional Ownership

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Last year about this time I wrote on the subject of NIMBYs and laid out a challenge to the NIMBY nation. It’s time to stop talking about what you don’t want, I said, and start talking about what you do want. In short, it’s time to develop the criteria under which a Not-In-My-Back-Yarder will say yes. And to that... Continue Reading