Tag: Municipal Placemaking Mistakes

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 04: No models for emulation

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
Emulation is more than just the highest form of flattery. It's also a key factor in effective placemaking. Yes, in the course of a meaningful visioning process, the naming of a specific place as a model for emulation is not absolutely necessary, but its benefits are so great that failing to do so constitutes one of... Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 03: The importance of a meaningful vision

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
In our last post in this series, we covered the three steps of placemaking. The first of these steps, crafting a meaningful vision, is the most straightforward, yet it is also the most underleveraged. It is underleveraged because communities do not understand its political implications. As a result they do not adequately... Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 02: Context and sequencing FAIL

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
My first post in this series explored quantity vs. quality and how cities routinely throw their favor in the wrong direction. Today we consider big picture thinking and how the steps you take in the course of your efforts are not the end, but the means. Mistake #2: Failure to understand the proper context and sequencing... Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 01: Quantity over quality

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
Today we begin a PlaceShakers experiment. Through a series of periodic posts, Nathan Norris will explore how cities hinder their own placemaking efforts, wasting time and money by investing in tools, policies and programs that deliver lousy results. In the process, we’ll be looking to you to help flesh out the content... Continue Reading