Tag: Hazel Borys

Finding Tucson’s Lovable Places

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
I was inspired and delighted last week by working in Tucson and Marana, Arizona. Whenever we are writing character-based zoning, one of the first things we do is a regional tour to analyze the DNA of the most loved places. Places cannot be resilient unless they can be loved. It’s one of the basic principles of the Original... Continue Reading

Loneliness, Isolation, and Dementia: Walking down our odds of disconnection

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In this week after the most contentious U.S. presidential election of my lifetime, millions of us are feeling lonely, regardless of which way we cast our vote. Loneliness is not the result of being alone, but rather the feeling of being disconnected. Now more than ever, all that connects us to common ground – and to... Continue Reading

Inclusive Cities: Inclusion equals diversity plus equity

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
The placemakers way is to enable the triple bottom line of resilience: environment, economy, and society, trying to balance the needs of people, planet and profit. And yet it’s always easier to measure the impacts of our collective choices on profit — or even on the planet — than it is on people. We've blogged extensively... Continue Reading

Summer Fun: Pokémon GO and Minecraft for young urbanists

Hazel Borys
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“Mom, I need to walk 10k today,” coming from my 11-year old this morning almost gave me whiplash, as I turned to look at him to ensure an alien wasn’t inhabiting his body. In fact, there was one, if you view Pokémon as other-worldly. The playful new video game, Pokémon GO, is distracting kids and grown-ups alike... Continue Reading

CNU24 Detroit: Summary and celebration

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
You know how the sweet spot for blogs is 500 words? Well, this isn’t one of those. It’s the geek's guide to the 24th Congress for the New Urbanism in Detroit. Feeling grateful for the food for thought, and wanting to keep the ideas fresh. This blog compiles city planning tweets from June 8 through 11 on the subject,... Continue Reading

Green Cities: Breathe deeply and walk freely

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As much as I love my winter city, when spring rolls around life brightens up. The onslaught of studies from Friday’s Earth Day imply that our feel-good response to the fresh lime green of spring does much more than pump endorphins. How we green our cities may be a life and death issue. People with greenery close to home... Continue Reading

Benchmarks: Places on the move measure up

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As spring tempts us to pick up the pace of our outdoor activities, it's clear that not all places have equal footing. Those well-positioned to draw us out into health-boosting active transportation are enjoying all sorts of benefits. City planners across North America are trying hard to even the playing field. The 2016... Continue Reading

Retail: Walkable urban primer with southwest inspiration

Hazel Borys
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A couple weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of working with Bob Gibbs in Las Cruces, New Mexico, looking at ways to help downtown outperform the suburbs, helping Main Street be more profitable than strip malls. The top lessons were to nurture unique historic character in walkable formats and don't build leasable space... Continue Reading

Makers Gonna Make: makerspace v2

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Do you have the hands-on gene? If not, the hottest new topic in neurology – epigenetics – suggests that your environment may tweak your genetic tendencies. If you find yourself in a place conducive to creative experimentation, you may just have to put your hands on something. The burgeoning makerspace movement is all... Continue Reading

Charrette: A Social Innovation Lab

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
When you think social innovation, you might think micro loans in developing countries, or hand-ups to help people in from the fringes here at home. Or a wide range of ways to build social capital or how charitable institutions backstop community with philanthropy. But for those of you who are working in the city planning... Continue Reading
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