
A Placemaking Journal

Norton Commons | Louisville, KY

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Demonstration is a powerful thing, as the Norton Commons property illustrates nicely. Purchased in the 1930s by the Norton family, it was first used to demonstrate cutting-edge agricultural techniques to local farmers. Today, a group of developers — in partnership with the family and guided by a DPZ master plan — are following suit, demonstrating how the principles of the walkability can be utilized to continue Louisville’s tradition of elegantly planned neighborhoods and parks that accommodate growth while avoiding sprawl.


The developer turned to PlaceMakers to provide a pattern book that would educate their conventional builders in the key details of two historically local styles: Louisville Italianate Cottage and Foursquare Arts & Crafts. Construction began in February of 2004 and, while it has struggled with the economic downturn as others have, it has remained one of the most successful developments in the region.

Their tag line? More life per square foot. See for yourself at

