We look at the world in terms of context and character rather than just use. What's important is the quality of the places we inhabit, recognizing that uses tend to evolve and change over time.

We work with clients -- and their customers and constituents -- to link vision with regulations and implementable plans. And we measure success by the degree to which results are likely to increase communities’ chances for a happier, healthier, more opportunity-filled future for their families and businesses.
While we prefer to enter planning and design discussions at the earliest possible stages, we’re experts in what we consider “rehabilitative design." And we offer a wide range of services, customized for individual clients, beginning with preparatory workshops and seminars and extending through parcel, neighborhood and sector-focused illustrative design, to completely integrated master planning at neighborhood, community and regional scales.
We are committed to collaboration, not only because of the likelihood of better informed planning but also because of the advantages of achieving project buy-in from those most affected by a project’s implementation. So we like the public charrette process and have organized ourselves to maximize its advantages.
Planning and Design Services
- Comprehensive Town Planning and Project Design
- Public Space Design
- Street and Corridor Design
- Detailed Site Planning
- Schematic Building Design and Yield Analysis
- Charrettes and Design Workshops
- Project Programming and Yield Analysis
- Project Illustration (Aerial and Ground Level)
- Planning Applications, Policy Documents, and Project Entitlements