Category: Planning and Design

Triangular Plazas: Flexible, outdoor rooms with meaningful uses

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Last year I enjoyed thinking of the critical components of a successful plaza: activity, locals, and a third place. Great plazas are hosts to community engagement any time of the day or evening, they attract both locals and tourists, and always have a third place fronting at least one edge of the outdoor room. A recent... Continue Reading

Four Characteristics of Active, Healthy Neighborhoods

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Scientists are learning more and more about how where we live affects the amount of exercise we get, and thus how fit and healthy we are likely to be. In general, city dwellers are particularly well placed to get regular exercise if they can take care of some or all of their daily errands without getting into a car: walking... Continue Reading

Word Eating Time: Here’s today’s menu

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Whatever skills I developed in manipulating language were shaped by two decades on the staffs of newspapers and magazines. In my first interview for a newspaper job, a managing editor lectured me on the transition I should be prepared for. I could forget all that fancy writing stuff I may have learned in college. I was... Continue Reading

The Fear Freak-Out: Now in neighborhoods near you

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The times, shall we say, are not ideal for that conversation we keep talking about. You know, the conversation we feel we need whenever something scary happens. That ever-elusive, rational talk that includes everyone and ends with, if not a group hug, then at least a group understanding. (more…) Continue Reading

Aging, Self-Driving Cars, and How We Suck at Predicting Doom

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
As a species, we like to keep on keepin’ on. We’re predisposed to favor continuity and resist change. Which includes not wanting to be held accountable for any less-than-stellar choices we might make along the way. For years we’ve had various prophets of doom telling us that dispersed suburban living is one of... Continue Reading

CNU24 Detroit: Summary and celebration

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
You know how the sweet spot for blogs is 500 words? Well, this isn’t one of those. It’s the geek's guide to the 24th Congress for the New Urbanism in Detroit. Feeling grateful for the food for thought, and wanting to keep the ideas fresh. This blog compiles city planning tweets from June 8 through 11 on the subject,... Continue Reading

Creative Placemaking: Lead, Follow AND Get Out of the Way

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
It seems everywhere I turn lately I stumble my way into a conversation on creative placemaking — people looking at the activation of public space as a way to further their personal and collective passions and pursuits. It’s heartening. I’m a firm believer that our taking of emotional ownership over the spaces... Continue Reading

Lean Code Tool

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
We believe form-based codes are the most efficient, predictable, and elegant way to assure high levels of walkability and urbanism – even in more rural environments. However, the political and staff capacity of many local governments is not prepared for a full zoning reform effort. CNU is developing an agenda of incremental... Continue Reading

From Ideas to Action: Cheaply, quickly, fairly

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Last week, in the Congress for the New Urbanism’s “Public Square” blog, sociologist David Brain outlined strategies for a Lean charrette, which is a work-in-progress concept designed to match up with Lean Urbanism strategies. Opportunist that I am, I welcome that as an excuse to try Part 2 of the charrette discussion... Continue Reading

2016 Groves Award Winner

PlaceMakers Twitter Instagram Facebook
We'd like to help celebrate this year's Groves Award Winner! Andy Blake, City Manager for the City of Ranson, West Virginia, will receive the 2016 Groves Award, given annually by the Congress for the New Urbanism and the Transect Codes Council to recognize outstanding leadership and vision in the promotion of Transect-based... Continue Reading
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