Category: Legal

Why Can’t My Zoning Create a Diversity of Places?

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Planners frequently use the place type framework to identify different issues, challenges, and assets throughout a municipality or a region. While there isn’t a standard used across the profession, it is generally accepted that the broadest range of places includes the hamlet, village, town and city. Historically we... Continue Reading

Coding for Character: Doing away with the zoned out nature of our cities

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Having lived in six 100-year-old homes over the last 25 years, autumn always makes me carefully consider what it takes to keep these beautiful elders operational and up-to-date. As we were going through the process of winterizing this year, I am reminded of our recent attempt to modernize by making one small addition that... Continue Reading

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish: The DNA of urban succession

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Steve Jobs ended one of his most memorable speeches with the encouragement, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” He was quoting the message on the final page of the final publication of The Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand’s version of pre-Google, assembled with typewriters, polaroid’s and scissors. Jobs’ point for... Continue Reading

Mixing Light Industrial with Residential: The artisan’s delight

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
We've talked extensively here on PlaceShakers about how to integrate industrial uses into walkable neighborhoods. And the sorts of land use modifications, often via form-based codes, that are necessary to enable these uses within safe parameters. This week in Berlin, I was particularly inspired by the example set by... Continue Reading

Crowdsourcing = Data = Better Places

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
You know what the payment is for crowdsourcing? By asking other people to step up and think through solutions to some collective problem, I must commit to making a difference myself. Every time I’ve asked you to share information with me, you have. Then I feel the need to compile it, analyze it, and organize it... Continue Reading

Next Urbanism Lab 05: The Value of Visuals

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
In simple terms, a plan is an adopted statement of policy, in the form of text, maps, and/or graphics, used to guide public and private actions that affect our future built environment. A plan provides decision makers with the information they need to make informed decisions affecting the long-range social, economic,... Continue Reading

Zoning Our Way to HOA Insanity

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I’m big on local. Not because I hate Walmart and 3,000 mile Caesar salads but because, as I see it, communities built on interdependent systems are better suited to taking on the challenges and opportunities presented by time. That’s why, when it comes to the decisions that most directly impact day-to-day quality... Continue Reading

Can Preservationists Let Love Rule?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Call me naive. When I was first exposed to the New Urbanism in the 1990s, it was as a 9 to 5 ad-man with an appreciation for music and art. Killing time one day in my dentist’s waiting room, I stumbled upon “Bye-Bye Suburban Dream,” the cover story of the latest Newsweek magazine. I still remember the feeling... Continue Reading

Entice, Don’t Coerce: The pleasures of green by design

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Living in a century home with passive air and choosing cycling as my primary mode of transportation during this unusually warm summer may sound like hardcore Greenie behavior, but it’s been particularly satisfying. This enjoyment of a modernized take on methods that have worked for generations has made me pick up... Continue Reading

Form-Based Codes? A picture’s worth a thousand words

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
If the attendees list of Placemaking@Work, my monthly webinar series, is any indicator, we’re increasingly united in our desire to improve the places we call home, wherever those places might be. Last month, I had participants from Hawaii to Russia, from British Columbia to Saudi Arabia, and many points in between. The... Continue Reading
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