Category: Experience

Hey, Buddy: Adult friendships and the future of our communities

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
David Roberts over at Vox posted a new piece recently -- “How our housing choices make adult friendships more difficult” -- that really got me thinking. In it, he builds upon ideas previously explored in The Atlantic and makes a compelling case that forging new relationships as an adult -- the ones we characterize... Continue Reading

Loneliness, Isolation, and Dementia: Walking down our odds of disconnection

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In this week after the most contentious U.S. presidential election of my lifetime, millions of us are feeling lonely, regardless of which way we cast our vote. Loneliness is not the result of being alone, but rather the feeling of being disconnected. Now more than ever, all that connects us to common ground – and to... Continue Reading

There Goes the Neighborhood: Oh no, not Burning Man!

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Reprising: “Can’t we all just get along?” Answer: Probably not. And we should be thinking about why and how that informs what we do to help neighborhoods and cities adapt to change. Let’s pick an example unlikely to trigger the usual arguments over race, ethnicity and inequality, yet one that might be more helpful... Continue Reading

Creative Placemaking: Lead, Follow AND Get Out of the Way

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
It seems everywhere I turn lately I stumble my way into a conversation on creative placemaking — people looking at the activation of public space as a way to further their personal and collective passions and pursuits. It’s heartening. I’m a firm believer that our taking of emotional ownership over the spaces... Continue Reading

Benchmarks: Places on the move measure up

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As spring tempts us to pick up the pace of our outdoor activities, it's clear that not all places have equal footing. Those well-positioned to draw us out into health-boosting active transportation are enjoying all sorts of benefits. City planners across North America are trying hard to even the playing field. The 2016... Continue Reading

Fortunately, Unfortunately: A children’s primer on urban evolution

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Not so long ago I was reminded of a book my Mom used to read me as a child: “Fortunately,” by Remy Charlip (briefly renamed “What Good Luck! What Bad Luck!” for a few years as well). It tells the tale of a young boy invited to a party and the series of misfortunes he experiences on his way there. (more…) Continue Reading

Porchfest: Your Guide to a DIY Community-Building Good Time

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Five or so years ago, Better Cities and Towns publisher Rob Steuteville told me about Porchfest, a yearly community event taking root in his Ithaca, New York, neighborhood. The idea is simple: For one afternoon, porches throughout the community become makeshift stages, yards become venues, and people from within and beyond... Continue Reading

Heart of the Arctic: Reflections

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Being back in the south for a couple weeks has given me a chance to reflect on the Adventure Canada Heart of the Arctic expedition. The biggest imprints are three things: the inclusivity of the people, the vastness of the land, and the need to continue to do all we can to develop in compact settlement patterns as one of... Continue Reading

Kangerlussuaq: Heart of the Arctic Day 13

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 After sailing up one of the longest fjords in the world, the delightfully scenic Söndre Strömfjord, we disembarked Ocean Endeavour for the last time, to explore the community of Kangerlussuaq. One group went off for a walk on the ice cap and the other on a nature hike, before we flew out of... Continue Reading

Itilleq: Heart of the Arctic Day 12

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 We crossed the Arctic Circle at 07:37 today! Early in the day, we landed at Itilleq, a tiny community of 97 people, set in a hollow between two hillsides. Itilleq means hollow. The tiny colorful wooden homes are a complete switch from Canada’s Arctic communities, here arranged as compactly... Continue Reading
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