Category: Demographics

Disappointment, Pessimism, Rage: Is this America at middle age?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Still wondering about why it’s so hard to have a civil conversation about planning for the future in so many places? Or why everyone seems so pissed about everything all the time? Could it have something to do with the telltale bulge in the waistline of American demography? (more…) Continue Reading

Tea Party Taps Hippie Wisdom: How’s that working out?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
So I’m sitting in one of those community meetings we’ve all become familiar with of late. A local Tea Party type is making a passionate pitch for what his group considers Constitutional guarantees against government planning, and I get this deju vu tug. I’ve been here before. I’VE BEEN THIS BEFORE. If you... Continue Reading

Housing Policy Repair for a New Era: Let’s review

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Since the data keep rolling in, confirming changes we should have anticipated even before the Great Recession, maybe it’s time to revisit the tasks ahead for communities if they’re to avoid flunking the tests of livability and prosperity in the 21st century. Consider: Though a narrow sliver of the population... Continue Reading

People Get Ready: Here come the Millennials

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Cue up Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions. Last week’s release by the Pew Research Center of its “Millennials in Adulthood” analysis suggests there’s a train a-coming. And its steady progress is likely to force changes in community development over the next couple decades. Here’s what the Pew report suggests... Continue Reading
Category Demographics
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