Howard Blackson

“Pilot Projects”: Ready for the scrap heap of now meaningless buzzspeak?

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Throughout my professional career, whenever a new or innovative approach is taken on a development project, its title automatically defaults to that of ‘Pilot Project.’ It occurs so often that I am changing my title to ‘Pilot Project Pilot’ as I would then be involved with pretty much every development proposal... Continue Reading

Neighborhood Units Matter

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Urban Design is concerned with the practice of designing, repurposing and revitalizing 3-dimensional places. These place types are described in Charter of the New Urbanism principles, as, “The neighborhood, the district, and the corridor are the essential elements of development and redevelopment in the metropolis. They... Continue Reading

Bryan Jones: Portrait of a Municipal Official Takin’ It to the Street

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Since meeting Chuck Marohn, I've advocated for his rational Strong Towns approach to reforming our inefficient auto-oriented infrastructure system. Chuck's message to focus infrastructure decisions on their long-term return on investment is radical because he is a Traffic Engineer. Honestly, the most frustrating and irrational... Continue Reading

The Future of Municipal Planning 02: Learning from Success

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
As the planning profession roils in the confluence of the 21st century’s Great Recession, Peak Oil/Peak Auto Travel, Millennial [Re]urbanization, and the borderline religious fervor of sustainability, I have officially declared that ours is not the same planning profession John Nolen built. So, how can planning rebuild... Continue Reading

The Future of Municipal Planning: Is John Nolen rolling over in his grave?

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
This is not the planning profession John Nolen built. A century later, our great recession has sparked a full re-evaluation of what a city’s urban planning department should be ‘doing’ for its citizens. As witnessed in Los Angeles and San Diego, the planning profession is being measured by its eternal conundrum between... Continue Reading

Next Urbanism Lab 05: The Value of Visuals

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
In simple terms, a plan is an adopted statement of policy, in the form of text, maps, and/or graphics, used to guide public and private actions that affect our future built environment. A plan provides decision makers with the information they need to make informed decisions affecting the long-range social, economic,... Continue Reading

By-Passing Tomorrow for Easy Implementation Today

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Chuck Marohn, and his Strong Towns message, is revolutionary in that he is a credible transportation professional who is single-handedly taking on the transportation profession. And winning. Last year, Walt Chambers of Great Streets San Diego, and I brought Chuck to San Diego for one of his now ubiquitous... Continue Reading

Neighborhoods First (and Goal)

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
San Diego’s new Mayor, Bob Filner, was elected on a “Neighborhoods First” campaign, as it was apparent that downtown and a select group of out-of-town developers had the past administration’s undivided attention. Today, the older, hip, cool, streetcar neighborhoods are experiencing development pressure for new... Continue Reading

Next Urbanism Lab 04: Dare to live outdoors

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
As we re-populate our downtowns, and watch the crime statistics drop, people are seeing safety in numbers. Jane Jacobs was right about eyes on the street reducing crime. With the sense that it's indeed safe to be in cities again, it appears that citizens are re-learning how to be connected in an urban context. Downtown’s... Continue Reading

Homelessness: Testing the boundaries of “health, safety and welfare”

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Homelessness is an everyday issue that gets a little additional attention during the holidays. A recent HUD report estimated that, on a single night, 633,782 people are homeless across the United States. What surprised me and others, however, was the fact that, after New York and Los Angeles, it’s San Diego, our 8th... Continue Reading
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