Ben Brown

Euro-Envy Reconsidered: Talkin’ time, distance and change

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
When my wife and I headed to Europe for our first two-week vacation in 15 years, I don’t think I realized how grouchy I was getting about change adaptation in the US. So much political paralysis. So little leadership. No sense of urgency on issues of huge importance. It was way past time for a getaway to be among grown-ups. ... Continue Reading

Are We There Yet? Affordability in the ‘New Normal’

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Pretty soon we’ll have something like a decade of experience in losing our innocence about housing affordability. Isn’t it about time we got over it? For a good part of the last century, we trained generations of housing consumers and housing enablers to buy and sell into what Chuck Marohn calls a “growth Ponzi... Continue Reading

The Chorus of “No Planning, Please” is Making My Head Hurt

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
In his July 10 New York Times column, David Brooks noodled about in a Brooksian sort of way with the notion of what is and what is not within the realm of predictability. Using Brazil’s loss in the World Cup as a hook, he argues that soccer -- unlike baseball, which has been reimagined by math nerds -- turns out to be... Continue Reading

Reconsidering “You just don’t get it!” as a Community Engagement Strategy

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
In the last month, the busy folks at the Pew Research Center have released two hefty analyses of political polarization in America, pretty much confirming what we’ve come to suspect as the cause of semi-permanent dysfunction in D.C., in state capitals and, increasingly, in local government. If you’re looking for... Continue Reading

Tea Party Taps Hippie Wisdom: How’s that working out?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
So I’m sitting in one of those community meetings we’ve all become familiar with of late. A local Tea Party type is making a passionate pitch for what his group considers Constitutional guarantees against government planning, and I get this deju vu tug. I’ve been here before. I’VE BEEN THIS BEFORE. If you... Continue Reading

Housing Policy Repair for a New Era: Let’s review

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Since the data keep rolling in, confirming changes we should have anticipated even before the Great Recession, maybe it’s time to revisit the tasks ahead for communities if they’re to avoid flunking the tests of livability and prosperity in the 21st century. Consider: Though a narrow sliver of the population... Continue Reading

People Get Ready: Here come the Millennials

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Cue up Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions. Last week’s release by the Pew Research Center of its “Millennials in Adulthood” analysis suggests there’s a train a-coming. And its steady progress is likely to force changes in community development over the next couple decades. Here’s what the Pew report suggests... Continue Reading
Category Demographics

Getting Stuff Done: The whole point of planning, no?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
High on my list of must-read columnists is James Surowiecki of The New Yorker. His “Twilight of the Brands” piece in the February 17-24 edition provides a good example of how he takes apart outworn axioms of business success, then, from the wreckage, assembles a model better suited for the here and now. (more…) Continue Reading

Q&A: Eric Brooks provides the New Urban lowdown on boutique hotels

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Today, we borrow a time-tested technique to add another dimension to our community development explorations: the Q&A. Moving forward, we’ll periodically bug an expert we know to shed some light on topics our clients and colleagues care about. As David Brooks suggested in a recent snarky opinion piece, boutique... Continue Reading
Category Q&A

Reaching the Limits of Passionate Defense: Time to turn back

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
When House Speaker John Boehner, indulging his inner Howard Beale, launched a Republican counterattack against the party’s far right wing, it seemed to me the GOP was finally rubbing up against the same rough edges of reality that have become apparent in big-time sports. And the lessons apply as much to civic life in... Continue Reading
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