Ben Brown

A Prescription for Healthy Places

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The not-so-good news persists: The continuing economic woes, including long-term concerns about housing, infrastructure, and transportation policy. The complications (to put it mildly) of climate change. And the crisis in public health. It’s no wonder the whole country feels a little under the weather. Which is... Continue Reading

Everything’s Connected: Health, Healthy Aging, Community Design

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Among the most encouraging trends in Smart Growth is an emerging consensus that good community design can address a bunch of issues at once. Which makes for much more comprehensive, cost-effective strategies to match the complexity of challenges before policy-makers. Take, for instance, the agendas of separate entities... Continue Reading

And Now the Rest of the Story: Stewart Brand Promotes Urbanism, Including Slums

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
This could be the next must-get book for Smart Growthers, New Urbanists, and lots of us who bought into the eco-techno connection decades ago. Stewart Brand, creator of The Whole Earth Catalog and author more recently of How Buildings Learn (Penguin, 1994) - which Jane Jacobs called "a classic and probably a work of genius"... Continue Reading

Call for Cool Plans

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
New Urban Guild plans Southern Living plan book Miami-based architect and author Steve Mouzon, founder of the The New Urban Guild, has made the deal he and the Guild have been working toward for years. Southern Living magazine, arguably the most influential shelter mag in the southeastern US, is going to publish Guild... Continue Reading
Category Architecture

Tweet, Flick, Whatever: More Help or More Noise?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
CNU 17, DENVER, CO – Adapt or die. That Darwinist admonition has been invoked to justify tons of brilliant and tons of stupid strategies for coping with change. It’s applied these days to the rise of Web-enabled social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter. And since New Urbanists are early adopters of new... Continue Reading

New Urbanist Cohousing: Another Arrow in Developers’ Quivers?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
CNU 17, DENVER, CO – New Urbanists attending the 17th annual Congress of New Urbanism gathering in Denver will spend the next four days talking about alls sorts of overlapping , interconnected challenges: The uncertain economy, the implications of climate change, the impact of an aging society on land use planning,... Continue Reading

Now What? CNU 17 Addresses the New Era Economy

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
The irony is unavoidable. Interest in Smart Growth and New Urbanist topics has never been higher. Check out this May 2 column in the Washington Post; or David Brooks’ opinion piece in the New York Times from May 4. Yet the economic downturn has sucked the energy out of innovative projects in both private and... Continue Reading

Prince of Wales Argues (Again) for ‘Bottom Up’ Design

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Addresses British Architects Who Aren't Always Big Fans Twenty-five years after he prodded the Royal Institute of British Architects on the group’s 150th anniversary to consider making a little room for traditional approaches to architecture and planning, HRH The Prince of Wales appeared before the group on another... Continue Reading
Category Architecture

“Best Practices Guide” Debuts to Glowing Reviews

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
4th Edition of New Urban News Book Just Issued Here’s what got our attention: Miami architect/author/New Urbanist provocateur Steve Mouzon says the 2009 "Best Practices Guide" from the New Urban News “just might be the most useful single book on the New Urbanism I have ever seen.” (Read Steve’s complete... Continue Reading

Next Step in Reforming Transportation Policy: T4 America’s “Blueprint”

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Advocates for a different approach to transportation planning haven’t been delirious about the reluctance of the feds and DOTs to depart from business as usual when it comes to investing stimulus money. But there’s another chance. All aboard. It's time to depart from business as usual. Transportation for America,... Continue Reading
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