Tag: Why Placemaking Matters Series

A Comprehensive Accounting of Economic and Environmental Performance: Who’s in?

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
For the last several decades, North American cities have used growth as a primary economic engine. Increasingly less dense new growth is subsidized by the more dense core, but requires a growth rate that is not supportable by the market cycle in most places today. As growth rates stalled, decreased, or went negative, city... Continue Reading

Why Placemaking Matters: The ROI of Cities

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Thanks to all of you who made last week's Why Placemaking Matters: What's in it for me? conversation so interesting. Robert Steuteville, editor of Better! Cities & Towns, jumped in with his own elevator pitch that beautifully connects much of the wonk-speak that I listed last week. Kaid Benfield from Washington D.C. Continue Reading

Why Placemaking Matters: What’s in it for me?

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
When a mayoral candidate from my city wrote me to ask me to repeat in writing what I’d said the night before, I realize I need to de-wonk and make my elevator speech more memorable. Why does city planning matter to people who aren’t urban designer types? If I could take an extra five minutes of your time, I’m interested... Continue Reading