Tag: visioning

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 04: No models for emulation

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
Emulation is more than just the highest form of flattery. It's also a key factor in effective placemaking. Yes, in the course of a meaningful visioning process, the naming of a specific place as a model for emulation is not absolutely necessary, but its benefits are so great that failing to do so constitutes one of... Continue Reading

Municipal Placemaking Mistakes 03: The importance of a meaningful vision

Nathan Norris
Nathan Norris
In our last post in this series, we covered the three steps of placemaking. The first of these steps, crafting a meaningful vision, is the most straightforward, yet it is also the most underleveraged. It is underleveraged because communities do not understand its political implications. As a result they do not adequately... Continue Reading