Tag: Public Engagement

Plotting a Persuasive Story? Better have a happily ever after

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
On my PlaceMakers business card, my job title is “Storyteller.” I figured a graduate degree in English and a two-decade career in journalism gave me a certain amount of credibility in that department. What I didn’t count on, however, was what the title seemed to imply to most folks. To them, I was the spin doctor. “We’ve... Continue Reading

Snagging Gen-Y: Do Facebook ads work in public engagement?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
For those looking to expand public engagement and collaborative process at the community level, this week presents a curious convergence of news and ideas. Setting the stage was CNU20’s “Charrettes and the Next Generation of Public Involvement,” an afternoon breakout session exploring a fairly provocative (for... Continue Reading

Municipal Dilemma: Get social?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Picture this scene: It’s your regularly scheduled city council meeting and the room is packed. Roughly two thirds of the audience is wearing matching red t-shirts with stickers reading “NO!” while the other third, sporting all manner of dress, displays stickers reading “YES!” There’s considerable tension in... Continue Reading

Public Process: Don’t botch your online engagement

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
If you’re a city or town, it’s a fair bet you’ve long since accepted the internet. People meet, pay bills, go shopping, research causes and self-diagnose illness online, and they expect to engage government in similarly convenient ways. You’re fine with that. In turn, you’ve responded with all the things they’ve... Continue Reading

Politics & Public Process: The Half-Life of Anger

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Maybe it’s like the argument that given enough time, a chimp with a keyboard would eventually hammer out Hamlet, but I’m thinking the messy GOP presidential campaign is inching its way towards clarity. Not that the process will produce outcomes extreme partisans will like. Disappointment is often the byproduct of... Continue Reading

Goooooal! Sometimes you strategize, sometimes you ‘dump & chase’

Geoff Dyer
Geoff Dyer
Given the means, most of us who work with communities to design and implement form-based codes would opt for a full-blown process, one that involves lots of community outreach, education and hands-on idea-testing in a charrette. But every situation is unique and sometimes you need something a bit more immediate. Sometimes... Continue Reading

Tweet, Flick, Whatever: More Help or More Noise?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
CNU 17, DENVER, CO – Adapt or die. That Darwinist admonition has been invoked to justify tons of brilliant and tons of stupid strategies for coping with change. It’s applied these days to the rise of Web-enabled social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter. And since New Urbanists are early adopters of new... Continue Reading