Tag: Principles of Urban Retail

Retail: Walkable urban primer with southwest inspiration

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
A couple weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of working with Bob Gibbs in Las Cruces, New Mexico, looking at ways to help downtown outperform the suburbs, helping Main Street be more profitable than strip malls. The top lessons were to nurture unique historic character in walkable formats and don't build leasable space... Continue Reading

Punk Rock and the New Urbanism: Getting back to basics

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
By the early to mid 1970s, something was wrong with rock and roll. It no longer fought the system. Worse than that, it had become the system. Bloated. Detached. Pretentious. Performer and audience, once fused in a mutual quest to stick it to the man, now existed on separate planes --  an increasingly complacent... Continue Reading

Retail: When it bends the rules and breaks the law

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Getting ready for a TEDx talk in a few weeks, I’ve once again been noticing how the places that I love the most usually break the law. The contemporary development codes and bylaws, that is, which are geared to the car, not to the pedestrian and cyclist. Then last week’s urban retail SmartCode tweetchat with Bob... Continue Reading