Tag: Lean Code Tool

A New Path to Code Reform

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
The Users' Guide to Code Reform leads planners through the code reform process, providing tools for governments lacking the capacity to develop a full form-based code. The Project for Code Reform is one of the most important efforts we’ve had the privilege of contributing to in the last decade. We’ve spent most... Continue Reading

Hello Seattle: Project for Code Reform

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As most of us at PlaceMakers settle into Seattle for this week’s 25th Congress for the New Urbanism, we look forward to seeing many of you on the west coast. For those of you who can’t make this year’s congress, be sure to check in with the social media hashtag, #CNU25. We’ll bring you a recap of some of our favourite... Continue Reading

Lean Code Tool

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
We believe form-based codes are the most efficient, predictable, and elegant way to assure high levels of walkability and urbanism – even in more rural environments. However, the political and staff capacity of many local governments is not prepared for a full zoning reform effort. CNU is developing an agenda of incremental... Continue Reading