Tag: Huntsville Alabama

Connections, Community, and the Science of Loneliness

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
On my last trip to see my aging parents, I was struck again by the loneliness that comes from diminished connections. They are both inspiring people, and in their younger years were notably adept at making connections with and for others. And at helping people see the good in each other, in themselves, and in the communities... Continue Reading

Get Your Hotels into a Walkable Town Center!

Geoff Dyer
Geoff Dyer
Series OverviewWhile walkable mixed use town centers may not be the *easy* choice for the asphalt guy, the engineer, or even the developer who has to attract tenants to an environment they may not be as used to... they are certainly becoming best practices for sustainable community development. More importantly, they... Continue Reading