Tag: Hazel Borys

Community-Based Economic Development

Hazel Borys
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This week my family enthusiastically celebrates both Canada Day and Independence Day, wishing Canada a happy 145th birthday, and the US a happy 236th. We honor the effective portions of the collective community vision that made these two nations great! The oldest continuously occupied settlements in each country are St. Continue Reading

Return on No Investment

Hazel Borys
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Over the weekend, I had a Twitter exchange with Mitchell Silver and Steve Mouzon about a PlaceMakers concept that I’m feeling the need to explain in more detail. Return on No Investment – my new friend, RONI – is the whole idea of leveraging assets and connections that are already in place, while investing... Continue Reading

The Passion of Place

Hazel Borys
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David Byrne noted in last Sunday's NY Times that people get hooked on cycling because of pleasure, not health, money, or carbon footprint. "Emotional gratification trumps reason." Ben Brown agrees, using Byrne's "Stop Making Sense" as a blog title on the subject of community engagement and how special interest groups... Continue Reading

Urban Systems: Integration and the value of intersections

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
People have an extraordinary capacity for compartmentalization. Sometimes we call it attention span: the ability to focus on one task at a time. Sometimes we call it meditation: the ability to clear your mind. Sometimes we call it cognitive dissonance: the ability to pursue an action when in direct opposition to values. We... Continue Reading

Life as I’d Like It To Be

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Absorbing the Norman Rockwell exhibition at the Winnipeg Art Gallery over the past four weeks, it’s extraordinary to witness one artist chronicling one nation over seven decades, from 1916 to 1978. For more than half of his career, Rockwell was constrained by racism that dominated the nation, forcing him to depict... Continue Reading

Urbanists Know TED

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
While TED launched its City 2.0 prize last week to crowd-source tools for the next version of the city, I’ve been enjoying TED talks of several fellow urbanists who have been putting forth tools and ideas for making better places. The City 2.0 wish is stated as: THE WISH I am the crucible of the future. I am where... Continue Reading

Retail on My Mind

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Seems I’ve got retail on my mind. It all started in December, with Bob Gibb’s Placemaking@Work webinar, whose tweetchat sparked a Neighbourhood Retail BlogOff led by Steve Mouzon. Then last week Victor Dover’s PM@W webinar followed up with ideas about tactical retail, where he talked about the next version of mixed... Continue Reading

On the Street: The DNA of place and the ROI of movement

Hazel Borys
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The corporate culture of our government has been a carte blanche to keep doing what we’ve been doing. This culture implies that what we’ve been doing works. In business, last year’s income statement is a major driver in this year’s action plan. If a product or service was profitable, then it’s nurtured and... Continue Reading

Retail: When it bends the rules and breaks the law

Hazel Borys
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Getting ready for a TEDx talk in a few weeks, I’ve once again been noticing how the places that I love the most usually break the law. The contemporary development codes and bylaws, that is, which are geared to the car, not to the pedestrian and cyclist. Then last week’s urban retail SmartCode tweetchat with Bob... Continue Reading

Poggibonsi and other Tuscan Lessons

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
With all the angst over Italy this week, I’m in the mood to count some blessings. To elaborate on some assets. To look at the local marketplace. And to debunk a couple of frequent idealist notions about European urbanism often heard from North Americans. Last month, I was traveling in the Tuscan countryside, which... Continue Reading
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