Tag: Hampstead

The New Incrementalism

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
The latest design trend appears to be designing a place to be realized in very gradual stages. Not in terms of planning for phases of development pods, built-out in a predetermined sequence, but about individual lots changing -- evolving -- over time. Very rarely now are we designing to build immediately for a project’s... Continue Reading

Beaches, Booze and Briefs: A New Urban Odyssey and Retail Lament

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Last week I hurriedly packed for my 10 day New Urbanism adventure in the Southeastern United States. In my rush I was only able to find and pack nine pairs of clean skivvies, but assured myself that I would be able to pick up a new pair while traveling through Georgia, Alabama and Florida. (more…) Continue Reading