Tag: economic development

Code Score: A New Aid for aligning policy and vision with outcomes

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Whether we’re talking equity, affordability, jobs, health, or a list of other pressing topics, every community strives for more effective outcomes from policies to address a broad range of competing demands. The fact that the demands – and the strategies to address them – are competing for time and resources is its... Continue Reading
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Affordable Housing Finance: Show me the money

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
In the weeks before the Congress for the New Urbanism conference in Savannah, GA, May 15-19, we’re presenting interviews with experts contributing to a day-long exploration of “Affordability: The Intersection of Everything.” A three-hour morning forum on Thursday, May 17, kicks off the discussion, followed by two... Continue Reading

New Housing Finance (Mostly) Without the Feds

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
In the weeks before the Congress for the New Urbanism conference in Savannah, GA, May 15-19, we’re presenting interviews with experts contributing to a day-long exploration of “Affordability: The Intersection of Everything.” A three-hour morning forum on Thursday, May 17, kicks off the discussion, followed by two... Continue Reading

Affordability in Context: Part II

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
In the weeks before the Congress for the New Urbanism conference in Savannah, Georgia, May 15-19, we’re presenting interviews with experts contributing to a day-long exploration of “Affordability: The Intersection of Everything.” A three-hour morning forum on Thursday, May 17, kicks off the discussion, followed by... Continue Reading

Community Affordability in Context: It’s not just about the house

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Next month, May 15-19, when the Congress for the Urbanism holds its conference in Savannah, one day’s focus will be on “Affordability: The Intersection of Everything.” Between now and the beginning of the conference, we’ll present a series of Q&As with participants in that day’s discussion. Leading off is... Continue Reading

Resolved for 2018: Fewer delusions, more reality-based planning

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Okay, so we’re shaking off the shock therapy of 2017 and ready to move on, right? Let’s start with admitting some of the stuff a lot of us got wrong about challenges and solutions in municipal and regional planning. Such as: Our misplaced overconfidence in the stability of basic institutions, especially those requiring... Continue Reading

Places that Pay: Benefits of placemaking v2

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
“Reconciliation is making peace with reality, our ideals, and the gap in between,” via Her Honour, Janice C. Filmon, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. Much of our work here at PlaceMakers is about redirecting the trajectory of where we are headed with the targets needed to ensure the wellness of our environment, equity,... Continue Reading

When Coffee Came to London (Not a Starbuck’s story)

Scott Bernstein
Scott Bernstein
Around 1650, coffee came to London. The refreshing and slightly habit forming beverage was a big hit. A new kind of non-alcoholic public house — the coffee house — was quickly invented. London was a walking city, only the wealthy and businesses had personal transportation. And the weather was famously chancey. So... Continue Reading

Summer Fun: Pokémon GO and Minecraft for young urbanists

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
“Mom, I need to walk 10k today,” coming from my 11-year old this morning almost gave me whiplash, as I turned to look at him to ensure an alien wasn’t inhabiting his body. In fact, there was one, if you view Pokémon as other-worldly. The playful new video game, Pokémon GO, is distracting kids and grown-ups alike... Continue Reading

Benchmarks: Places on the move measure up

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As spring tempts us to pick up the pace of our outdoor activities, it's clear that not all places have equal footing. Those well-positioned to draw us out into health-boosting active transportation are enjoying all sorts of benefits. City planners across North America are trying hard to even the playing field. The 2016... Continue Reading
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