Tag: CNU 19

CNU 19: The Uprising

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Like my anniversary, family birthdays and selected holidays, the Congress for the New Urbanism is an annual ceremony that I faithfully attend. My lovely wife would confirm that I never question the necessary time and money spent to participate in the congresses. And, as expected, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at CNU 19... Continue Reading

The Future of Planning: Going meta

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
“In a world where the peddlers of invention dominate progressive discourse, a willingness to acknowledge--let alone heed--the lessons of history and tradition is a truly radical act.” --Scott Doyon Check the wiki-hip Urban Dictionary (or watch an episode of Community on NBC) and you’ll find the term meta’s common... Continue Reading

Measure Local, Share Global, Part 2: From app to main course

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
Talk about geek love! When I wrote recently about having cooked up an iPhone app for collecting the physical metrics behind form-based codes, my intentions were pretty modest. First, I was just kind of giddy over how it was coming together and wanted to talk about it. But second, and more importantly, I wanted to get... Continue Reading