Tag: city branding

Moonshine, Basketball, and the Power of Place

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Every day, social media serves up a seemingly endless stream of content. Raw information, with each item typically reflecting the priorities of its respective poster. If you’ve assembled good curators among your friends and contacts, it adds up to a lot of interesting stuff. But the real interest, at least for me, is... Continue Reading

Getting Stuff Done: The whole point of planning, no?

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
High on my list of must-read columnists is James Surowiecki of The New Yorker. His “Twilight of the Brands” piece in the February 17-24 edition provides a good example of how he takes apart outworn axioms of business success, then, from the wreckage, assembles a model better suited for the here and now. (more…) Continue Reading

Branded! Municipal Identity and the Selling of Cities

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
What does America’s oldest city have in common with one of its youngest? They’re both concerned with branding. St. Augustine, Florida, kicked off their branding initiative in 1715 by petitioning the King of Spain for a coat of arms. Upon his receipt, the King assumedly delegated the request to his creative services... Continue Reading