Tag: arterial
Walkable Streets II: The Documenting
This time last week, I was considering common issues associated with walkable streets and mentioned that 35-40kph (25mph) moves the most traffic. I didn't even think about it as I wrote it. As something long-embedded in my brain, I just said it. Matter-of-factly.
Readers took me to task, wanting to know the source.
... Continue Reading
Category Back of the Envelope, Planning and Design
Walkable Streets: Considering common issues
As municipalities throughout North America seek to reform their development patterns (or at least expand their options) from the single-use zoning and automobile oriented regulations of the past century to those that allow for walkable, compact, mixed use places, there is a long list of standards and regulations... Continue Reading
Category Back of the Envelope, Planning and Design
The Strip Mall vs. the Multi-Way Boulevard: In consideration of subtle differences
Like its larger cousin the mall, the strip mall has become a symbol for our dysfunctional car-focused suburban environments. Ask any born-again urbanite why, and they’ll tell you that the strip mall’s most damning offense is putting all that parking in front of the store, creating a horrible car-focused environment. ... Continue Reading